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Attendance/Absence Procedures

Absence and Holiday Requests 2018 - 2019


The points below are drawn from the July 2016 letter written by Judith Harwood, Assistant Director of Plymouth City Council's Learning and Communities division.


  • Headteachers are still unable to authorise any holiday requests or absences from school due to a holiday being taken
  • Any absence for holiday will be marked as unauthorised
  • Exceptional circumstances can apply - (please refer to exceptional circumstances document)
  • The local authority expect to be informed and will intervene if a child is absent from school for more than 4 days as a result of a holiday
  • Penalty notices (£60 fines) will no longer be issued but parents are still encouraged to maximise their child's time in school and take holidays outside of term time
  • High levels of absence may result in prosecution
  • If attendance falls below 90% (persistent absence) or parents fail to ensure their child attends school regularly, the City Council will consider prosecution.
  • OFSTED considers attendance of MORE THAN 96% for primary schools as being the right standard.
  • Our school attendance target is 97%