Part of something bigger

We’re proud to connect positively with people at different levels – from being good role models in our school and our local community in Plymouth, to being responsible citizens in the wider world.


Parents, carers and extended family all have a part to play in children’s development. We welcome families to be involved in their school life at Widey Court.

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Widey Court Pupils in Forest School


Those who work here at Widey Court are key to making our school a success. We create a supportive environment to enable them to be their best.

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Widey Court Pupil with Teacher

Friends & Partners

There are many individuals, clubs and groups that allow us to enrich the school experience for our pupils, and to support what we offer.

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Widey Court Playground

Charities & Giving

We frequently give our time and raise funds to help good causes – benefiting those who need support and growing our children’s empathy and awareness of big issues.

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Widey Court Pupils in Front of Oak Tree

Find out how we've been connecting with our community

Read our latest news to discover what we’ve up to within Widey Court and beyond.

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If there’s more you’d like to know about our community involvement – or anything else about Widey Court – please feel welcome to ask.

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