Best results ever for 2022!

We are proud to report that the school has made year-on-year improvements in our EYFS outcomes, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results over the past few years. We are working as hard as ever to continue this positive trend..

Please note that our 2022 results will not be formally published but we are extremely proud of the hard work put in this year to achieve such INCREDIBLE results!

Reading 74 % (National) 81% (Widey Court) +7 (Difference)

Writing 69% (National) 72% (Widey Court) +3 (Difference)

Maths 71% (National) 81% (Widey Court) +10 (Difference)

RWM Combined 59% (National) 65% (Widey Court) +6 (Difference)

Followed by...BEST ACADEMIC RESULTS EVER for 2023!

We are so proud of our Year 6 cohort 2022-2023, who achieved our best results in the summer term with their Key Stage 2 SATs Assessments – the culmination of seven successful years of learning, applying, remembering and achieving their best.


The percentage of pupils at Year 6 achieving age-related expectations (ARE) was above national average in all three individual subjects and for pupils achieving ARE combined in reading, writing and maths:

Reading 73% (National) 77% (Widey Court) +4% (Difference)

Writing 71% (National) 78% (Widey Court) +7% (Difference)

Maths 73% (National) 83% (Widey Court) +10% (Difference)

RWM Combined 59% (National) 70% (Widey Court) +11% (Difference)

Useful resources
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